[Regia-NA] FW: Fossilized feces are a veritable trove of human DNA

rmhowe MMagnusM at bellsouth.net
Sun Jun 27 13:57:57 EDT 2004

Jeanne wrote:
> Jeanne/ VÖRÖSHAJÚ SOFFYA (a northern Atlantian of a newly nearly
> unpronouncable titular? name) posted:
> It's Hungarian for Soffya the Red-Haired.

Ah! I had wondered about if it was a title or not.

I have met Gudrun the Red from that area too.
(and her little dog). That thing could eat a tank for lunch
but has fits over soap bubbles. I'm surprised her arms are
still in their sockets trying to restrain him.

I have some old friends on SCA-Arts&Sciences who are in the
SIG or Slavic Interest Group. Some are Hungarian or Polish,
others are Russian. They are on the web.

While I have books I can't grok well from both Russia (Staraya Ladoga,
Novgorod, and Moscow excavations) and Poland, and some from Hungary
(at least one is in English on the Hussites) I don't really tend
to center on Slavic stuff (for one thing it's mostly inaccessible
to me) but I do tend to try to get some of it because the 
archery/crossbows/quivers information that survived tended more
to survive in those places. I have pretty large collections of
books (and some videos) on archery and crossbows and siege engines.

A good deal of it is also Mongolian however. They got pretty
damned deep into those areas. Recently I got some stuff in
from Poland in particular on archery/armor stuff and some from Russia
on the battles of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries including
the archery gear. In Russian and Polish. One Polish book on archery
weapons I had heard of I'd looked for for five years (really wasn't
that big) and located in Australia of all places. Polska Bron by
Tjerny Werner.

> I loved the rest of your email. 

Sometimes it takes me a bit to craft them.
My old friends here keep telling new people to read the parts
carefully as they are generally interlinked. They eventually
get them. The whole point is to take your curiousity on a bit
of a mind trip. And no matter which establishment we are talking
about to poke a bit of fun at it. Establishments that take
themselves too seriously are both a bit dangerous and boringly

 > But then I AM considered weird.

We'll just assume I am far from normal. :)
I am somewhat infamous in my spheres of influence.

While most people are reprocessing rented beer I'm spending
the same money on new imput. Problem is we are simply overrun
with curiosity satiation here. It's in great big piles all
over the place. I've been looking for two or three books for
two weeks and have yet to find them.

When my parents' estates are finally settled we'll see if there
is enough money for a large house expansion to contain it for
a while. Either that or we are moving into a warehouse.

One of our friends here, a fellow Laurel is in Mongolia/Tajikistan
doing her thesis presently. I am hoping she'll bring back some
photos of ger (yurts from there) I can use to finish a small book
on their construction. Began the papers almost ten years ago.
The initial paper got an A+ in architectural technology as a
large term paper but I've done a lot of research since then.


> Soffya

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