[Regia-NA] RE: New List for Norse-folk types

Schuster, Robert L. list-regia-na@lig.net
Thu, 30 Oct 2003 10:03:46 -0600

Ops, seems I jumped the gun and someone has already created a second =
moderated list

disregard my message and I will keep you all informed as it solidifies


>  -----Original Message-----
> From: 	Schuster, Robert L. =20
> Sent:	Thursday, October 30, 2003 9:51 AM
> To:	California_Viking_Age (E-mail); Kunskapen_Soka (E-mail); =
List-Regia-Us (E-mail); Newvarangianguard (E-mail); Standing_Stones =
(E-mail); Shire of WyvernCliffe (E-mail); TheManx (E-mail); =
The-Vikings-List (E-mail)
> Subject:	New List for Norse-folk types
> Morning guys
> As some of you may now by know I have signed off the Norsefolk list =
due to the ever increasing high span content and the apparent lack of =
concern of it by the moderators. I average between 300-500 non work =
related emails a day and all my spam is coming from that one list. While =
I infact do have a delete button at my disposal, I find the amount of =
spam on that list unacceptable, as is the lack of concern on the part of =
the owners.
> I know that others are concerned about this too so I have created a =
second moderated list for the folks that are interested in that sort of =
> Anyway,
> Just want to let you know that I have set up a second Norsefolk list, =
it can be found here http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Norsefolk_2/
> This group is meant to be a SPAM FREE, moderated alternative for the =
YahooGroup Norsefolk.
> In order to reduce the number of spammers applying, after subscribing, =
a automated message will go out to the person asking them to confirm =
their interest in the group by replying all to the message, which will =
be sent to all the group owners/moderators so that one of then can =
approve the subscription. Like I said most of this is automated and is =
very minimal work for the  moderators will be minimal.
> All other policies of the original Norsefolk list are enforced, they =
can bee seen here http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Norsefolk/
> If current members of the Norsefolk list wish to subscribe and don't =
want to deal with the confirmation process send me an email directly at =
halvgrimr@calontir.org and I will add you manually
> There will be multiple moderators very soon that will be able to =
handle the additional responsibilities (which again are very minimal).
> If after a few weeks the interest isn't there, I will just kill the =
group and go on with life.
> For now I ask that nothing that I may contribute or pass on to you =
fine folks be forwarded that that particular group. This may seem =
childish but it is my wish for now.
> Halvgrimr
> H