[Regia-NA] Chests

John Lambert list-regia-na@lig.net
Tue, 25 Nov 2003 17:56:38 +0000


I agree about avoiding the scallops for an early chest. My reference for 
these was a later period 13-14th Century illustration showing a soldier 
looting a town carrying a small chest using what looked like similar 
cutouts. Many of the pictures I've seen of earlier chests have flat bottomed 
ends, although I do think I've seen some Viking chests with a simple "V" 
notch cutout. On rough floors or campgrounds, the notches are a good idea, 
plus serve as handles for carrying the chest (as the soldier demonstrated). 
If the notches are not added, adding handles (maybe rope) on the sides would 
help. I'm at work again (still), but will check my references for the page 
number for picture in the "prune people" book.

I did a quick google.com search for "viking chest" and found a number of 
excellent pictures of original and reconstructed chests, some with 
instructions. I would especially recommend the article by Dafydd (an old 
friend) at: http://www.greydragon.org/library/chests.html He shows a variety 
of chests and has construction diagrams.


>From: VIKING@inthedanelaw.fsnet.co.uk
>Russ, this would be a great simple chest, and you can dimension it to what 
>you might find convenient.  I think avoiding the scallops would be best 
>(John, did your source have that?...I looked for the pic and couldn't find 
>it in the book...can you remember the page?).  And he hit the nail 
>squarely...furniture.  Can you say forge, boys and girls?  Somebody 
>mentioned that this weekend...no who was that?  Hmmmm....

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