[Regia-NA] Introduction and Questions

Conall list-regia-na@lig.net
Sat, 15 Nov 2003 16:34:51 -0600

Greetings folks,
    Since I have de-lurked for the question about the Museum Replicas video,
I might as well take the plunge and ask some more questions.  How does that
Mark Twain quote go, "It is better to be silent and be thought a fool than
to open ones mouth and remove all doubt"...oh well.  Here goes anyway.  I
have several questions, so please forgive my ignorance.

    I guess that before I start asking about stuff I should be polite and
make an introduction.  My name is Conall (the rest is too long and Gaeilge
to inflict on you right now).  I have been involved in the SCA for almost 13
years now, in four different kingdoms including in Europe for a couple of
years.  In the SCA I am an early 11th C. Irishman, 1003 AD (yeah I know they
were still on the Julian calendar but y'all get the idea).  I am a bit of an
"experience junkie", and have always been willing to try heat, cold,
weather, etc. to try and find out "what it was really like".  In recent
years I have been trying on my limited budget to get my SCA kit up to Living
History levels of authenticity.  For a rough starting guide I have used the
Kit Guidelines from John Nicholl (who I think is from NFPS; The Vikings)
that I found on the site for Gael agus Gall website(
as well as trying to absorb all of the articles on the main Regia website
and doing research on my own.  I joined this list in hopes of further
improving my levels of personal authenticity.  I hope you learned folks
don't mind me picking your brains.

    My main question is, are there any allowances in Regia Anglorum for 11th
C. Irish?  Certainly they were around in Britain at the time, and the Norse
were heavily involved in Dublin, Waterford, Wexford, Limerick, and
elsewhere, but is there any place for us Gaels in the RA-NA organization?
If so, what would be the guidelines?

    Hope I don't sound like a goofball.

    Thanks for your time,
