[Regia-NA] Re: [Regia] Digest Number 1073

Lori Rael Northon list-regia-na@lig.net
Sun, 9 Mar 2003 14:32:38 -0800


The reason I reject the suggestions put forth so far to change what I
already have is because I have been given no, repeat N-O, documentation from
anyone that applies to getelds to support what's been suggested.  The
operative words are "applies to getelds" and  especially "documentation".
When I get some kind of substantiating documentation, I'll be happy to do as
suggested.  Until then I can only use the documentation I've obtained
myself.  Rest assured that you or anyone else in the UK will never see my
geteld unless they come to the Seattle area, and even then it will be
doubtful as I will not be attending any  public demonstrations with my

As for mistakes and whether there's any excuse for them or not, even in this
age of instant messaging and the internet, inaccuracies, misinformation, and
out right false information being passed off as factual information abounds.
It is incredibly easy to make a mistake when people will not do the research
to verify what they read, or will not share factual documentation, but
instead hold to the belief that their conclusions based on traditions or on
assumptions are factual and pass them off as such.

And for everyone's benefit, I started my geteld project before becoming a
member of Regia.  I have put in well over a thousand hours in the effort of
trying to document my geteld, it's design, and its colors. I have consulted
via email with several individuals known for their expertise in the area of
medieval tents.  I've looked at countless illuminations from manuscripts
considered contemporary to the time period.  I've done research into dye
methods and colors available in the time period.  I've looked up and read
information in more books than I care to mention.  I even asked for specific
help relating to getelds on the Regia NA list (and got nothing), and I've
repeatedly asked for factual documentation on this list (and gotten none
with the exception of Roll's "red geteld" in 'Anglo-Saxon Wills').  I'm not
sure what more I can or should do.

And for Kim, honestly, in the greater scheme of Regia, it does not matter
what I think, believe or can document.  I don't now and will not in the
future be playing in the UK.  I am not a factor in "your" game, only one in
the NA group, and only to the extent that I play in my own branch down in
Portland.  If they don't accept my knowledge, my documentation, my opinions,
my experience, my conclusions or me - so be it.  If they do, great too.  I'm
fine with that.

And to anyone that cares at this point, my name is Lori, not Lesseley.
Lesseley is part of my email addy, not my name.

Message: 5
   Date: Sun, 09 Mar 2003 02:53:57 -0500
   From: grunal@aol.com
Subject: Re: Re: [Portland_Regia] Clearing up some things

Hi Dorian,
 I thought  I thought I would add an impartial viewpoint, being a member of
nuumerous societies.
Firstly when setting up / joining a new society or making new kit it is
vital to find out beforehand weather an item is right, I speak as an
experienced re-enactor/kit maker who has made big mistakes to my cost, when
I started there was no Email, info was gained from museums(lots of travel
and time), books ( often wrong) phoneing up others ( information open to
interpretation) going to shows ( but you need the kit beforehand) etc so
many mistakes were made, But people would always help 99% of the time and
were more tollerant.
Today we have virtually instant communication around the world with sound
vision and text and, I am sorry to say, there is little excuse for making
mistakes, standards have been raised (thankfully.
When undertaking something major like a tent , considering the expenditure
of time and money, surely a little bit of resurch beforehand is warrented to
prevent this sort of problem.
Sevral solutions have been put forward all of which would allow the tent to
be used on site.
 So why the problem?

These views are solely my own and in no way reflect the viewpoint of Regia
Dave T Moneyer,
please take time to visit our web site
@ www.grunal.com
