[Regia-NA] getelds

Charlotte Mayhew list-regia-na@lig.net
Wed, 5 Jun 2002 09:45:02 -0400

[In response to Carolyn/Þóra's emails:]

Roll wrote:
>>But we did as the rest of Europe did ( see I like to
>>spread the blame )

>Oh, when we made ours back in 1988 we did exactly the same things with our
big tent.  (That was before we knew about the roof beam being shorter than
the side rails, though.  See, I can learn!)

>>The new add ons always look like after thoughts - but I guess I
>>shouldn't mind that the thing has 'patches'. Get real Roland, people fixed

>If it's their only tent?  You betcha!  When it was two years old, ours
rolled onto the battlefield at Pennsic during a major summer thunderstorm.
Both the frame and the canvas still display their "war wounds" proudly. ;>
Oh, and we learned to stake the thing down when camping in exposed terrain!

--We've patched each of our tents (big & small, standard Viking/A-frame
But hey--patches are authentic!  With each revision on our poles,
I'm hardly going to consider replacing all that canvas and re-doing all that

[From another email...]

>>Belled apses? Is that what they are? Kind of looks like a plains Indian

>Maybe due to the foreshortening in the photo?  The short sides of the tent
(would you call them gables?) are semicircular and staked to give a rounded
floorplan.  Hence the belling.  I call them apses because they look like
the little half-round ends on early churches, and it's the shortest way I
know of to refer to that sort of a rounded end stuck on a rectangle.

--I knew exactly what you meant, Þóra!  Apse was apt!

--charlotte mayhew