[Regia-NA] New, Hello

mik lawson list-regia-na@lig.net
Wed, 31 Jul 2002 12:57:19 +0100 (BST)

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 Greetings Jennifer,i am Olaf {Mike Lawson} & i live in England & i'm a member of Regia Anglorum UK.I would like to say hi & welcome & i hope to see you & hopefullt all the other members of Regia USA on one of our battlefields here in not so sunny England one day?
  Spnknffork@aol.com wrote:          Hello, I'm new to this list and would like to introduce myself. I live in San Antonio, TX and play a bit in the SCA as a Visigoth. During a routine search online I found the North America list and decided to join. I understand that there might be a group here in Texas and if so where and to what proximity to San Antonio?

Hello and Thank you,

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<P> Greetings Jennifer,i am Olaf {Mike Lawson} &amp; i live in England &amp; i'm a member of Regia Anglorum UK.I would like to say hi &amp; welcome &amp; i hope to see you &amp; hopefullt all the other members of Regia USA on one of our battlefields here in not so sunny England one day?
<P>&nbsp; <B><I>Spnknffork@aol.com</I></B> wrote: 
<BLOCKQUOTE style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid"><FONT face=arial,helvetica><FONT lang=0 face="Times New Roman" size=2 FAMILY="SERIF">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Hello, I'm new to this list and would like to introduce myself. I live in San Antonio, TX and play a bit in the SCA as a Visigoth. During a routine search online I found the North America list and decided to join. I understand that there might be a group here in Texas and if so where and to what proximity to San Antonio?<BR><BR>Hello and Thank you,<BR>Jennifer</FONT> </BLOCKQUOTE></FONT><p><p><br><hr size=1><a href="http://uk.yahoo.com/mail/tagline_xtra/?http://uk.docs.yahoo.com/mail_storage.html"><b><font face="Arial" size="2">Get a bigger mailbox -- choose a size that fits your needs.</font></b></a><br><br><a href="http://uk.yahoo.com/mail/tagline_xtra/?http://uk.docs.yahoo.com/mail_storage.html"><font face="Arial" size="2">http://uk.docs.yahoo.com/mail_storage.html</font></a>