[Regia-NA] Norway Day is on!!!

Jack Garrett garrett at pacbell.net
Wed Apr 30 17:05:40 PDT 2008

I just got off the phone with Marilyn Hansen, the coordinator for Norway Day at Ft. Mason.  They were afraid the spot we were in last year was not going to be available, but she just learned today it was going to be open.  We're set - and she will try to get us a spot on the schedule for our presentation.
  The event opens at 10:00 a.m. this Saturday.  I'll be there at 8:00 or just after.  We'll set up the tent inside where it was last year.  I'm sending Marilyn the roster of Bjornstad members, since she said they may be tighter than last year on entrance control.  Let me know if you plan to be there.
  Incidentally, she was quite interested in what we could do to get children involved.  Let's see what we can do.
  See you Saturday,
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