[Regia-NA] Alfred's ships

Chris Boulton chris.boulton at ntlworld.com
Wed Oct 25 14:37:33 EDT 2006

Jim Green wrote:
> If on the other hand he simply added strakes then he might only lose more leeway in a good wind. 

That's always been the way I've interpreted it. An assumption, of course, but I'd always thought Alfred's intent was to give his sailors an advantage of height and better cover in a sea battle. Given that such sea battles were fought first with archery to thin out and disorganize an opposing ship's crew (perhaps also ideally causing it to fail in its manouvering prior to grappling), then hand to hand at spear's reach, then short arms, then obviously if you're higher you have a better view and striking opportunity against your foe, with the added bonus that it's easy for you to board them but harder for them to board you.

Oh dear - hope that makes sense!

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