[Regia-NA] Viborg Shirt neck knots?

NickBibby at aol.com NickBibby at aol.com
Mon Jun 13 09:13:50 EDT 2005

Hi Roll,
Thanks to you, Sid and Geoff for replying to my  question!!
And yes, I'm cr***ing myself at the prospect of doing  this shirt, 
particularly those sleeve to body seams. It took me about an hour  and a half of 
squinting and doodling to just work out what was going on with  them, even though I 
had a blurry, indistinct picture to go on!!!
The linen I've got is a little heavy at 10/18 and is  weft heavy rather than 
warp heavy, but it was the closest I could get. 
I've already worked out my patterns and cut out my  pieces. I also will be 
using just a running stitch to attach lining to body,  because That's all it 
said in the online summary. I wasn't even aware that they  were pinched false 
seams - mad ba****ds!! 
Thanks for the info on the neck knots/loops. Loops  makes more sense, perhaps 
a mistranslation in the english summary?
Anyway, thanks again all.
In a message dated 6/12/2005 2:44:10 PM GMT Daylight Time,  yolli at lineone.net 

Hi  Nick, 
I can say that the  Viborg shirt is no light undertaking. I’ve sewn up  two, 
one of which went to Jorvik and I’ve never seen it since… They needed it  for 
some interpreters and they have probably eaten it.   
Anyway the question  at hand. 
The knots at the neck  are not knots but ‘loops’. The neck tape cleverly 
taken from the selvedge so  that it’s folded just twice and attached, runs from  
the back of the neck around the square hole for your head, to – let’s say 
your  left collar bone. Put a loop in it and carry on attaching it to the neck 
flap  and run it off the end. This is then passed through the opposite loop in 
the  area of your right collar bone and pop a little half hitch at its end 
point.  Do the same with the other tape in the opposite direction so that the two 
neck  flaps sit one on top of the other. Clear as mud I  guess. 
My latest version is  probably made from linen that’s too heavy. I have never 
pinched the false  seams that locate the chest and back, and instead just 
used a running stitch  to fix it in place. Trying to pinch it before the running 
stitch was sewn in  was just too problematic for me, shifting things all out 
of kilter. Getting  the arms mixed up is a good trick too – oh how I laughed at 
silly old  me… 
I followed the  cutting pattern so that all the selvedge’s are in the  
correct positions etc, etc and copied all the stitches used  too. 
My real problem is  that to make the pattern fit, I needed to enlarge the  
shirt by 15% to allow for my girth back then and shrinkage in the wash. But,  
even though the neck hole is tight – 11.5cm square when enlarged – with the  
knots on the ends of the neck tape, I couldn’t get the shirt over my head. I  don
’t look like the Mekon of a Tefal head, nor a pin head. It just wouldn’t 
slide over my  6 and 7/8ths bonce. My only solution was to lengthen  the neck 
tape by 20cms on each end. So, what size head did the original owner  possess? 
I’m doing a Bocksten tunic right now after completing a Thorsberg  ( very odd 
shoulders… ) and a Reepsholt. May do a Kragelund  now that some more info has 
come to light and if my fingers can cope, I’ll  have a go at the 
Cheers,  Roll.

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