[Regia-NA] Re: [Regia] Our first LHE!

mik lawson miklawson at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Mar 26 18:19:39 EST 2004

& if that wasn't enough,we all await photos of the event? ;-p
Well done!

Tracie <trbrown at uga.edu> wrote:
Well, gang, Bill seems too modest to post this, so I'll have to tell 
you that we Danelaw folks in the southeastern US had our first LHE 
last weekend.  We settled in the "early period encampment" part of 
Gulf Wars (a largish SCA event a couple of hours north of New 
Orleans, and relatively close to Bill's place) with two tents, a work 
shelter and the entire contents of Bill's house.

We were only able to do a one-day encampment this year (the event 
itself lasts about 10 days), but we had many interested and 
interesting visitors (and a few clueless gawkers, oh well..).  
Besides Bill, Will and me, we had Russ and Malinda (and Richard the 
official baby) and Anne (who should be getting in her membership any 
day now, right?). We were artsy-craftsy -- tablet weaving, 
naalbindning, fingerloop braiding, bone and antler carving and 
cooking -- and somewhat warlike, too.  A great many of the visitors 
had visited the Regia web site already.  (Our new recruiting slogan: 
You've visited the web site, now experience Regia in person!)

>From my personal perspective, the most fun was cooking with period 
equipment.  I've cooked over fire with modern cast iron, but frying 
eggs on the Viking skillet was different.  And the riveted cauldrons 
held water very nicely, so whatever folks suggested to seal them 
obviously worked.  My "LHE stew" was pretty tasty (if I do say so 
myself). There was a forge set up on the other side of the camp, and 
it seemed like all the blacksmiths came by to view and handle the 
fire box and cooking equipment.   

Russ and Malinda had lovely new clothes and were the very image of a 
successful young Viking couple.  Amazing what you can do with $1/yd 
black linen, some dye remover and some dye -- the colors were great, 
the embellishment tasteful and restrained. And Richard was quite 
adorable. Sid from Florida, whom some of you may know already, came 
by in her "spare time."  She was extremely busy at this event, not 
the least because she was exhibiting a fabulous reconstructed early 
Saxon grave find, complete with (fake) skeleton. If only she didn't 
live so far away! (9 hrs from me, 10 hrs from Bill) But she *will* be 

The head of the early period camp is very interested in having us 
expand next year and teach some classes and workshops.  I'm all 
revved up to go back and spend more time.  And next year -- we 
promise -- Bill will actually get to see the belly dancers (some of 
whom are durn good!).

We're off to a good start -- soon they'll all be wearing wool in the 
Mississippi heat. bwaa-haa-haa-haa! 

Thank you Bill, Our Fearless Leader, for putting this together and 
leading the way.  Next LHE in ... gaack ... 4 weeks!  Better start 

-- Tracie

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