[Regia-NA] Re: Fibre sources

Tracie Brown list-regia-na@lig.net
Wed, 24 Sep 2003 13:42:21 -0400



Ah, Robin and Russ!  I got my very first set of cards from 
them lo these many years ago, and my first copy of The Warp-
Weighted Loom, too.  I still have those cards somewhere 
(they're probably mushy cardboard by now), and my mother has 
still not discovered the holes in the floor where I 
surrepticiously nailed through the carpet to stabilize my w/w 
loom.  (George Johnson will tell you this works with 
Christmas tree stands, too, which is why there are holes in 
the ends of the legs.)

I just got a nifty little band loom this weekend -- the 
merchant's father the mechanical engineer took a look at a 
period tablet weaving loom and "improved" it.  Not a period 
reproduction, obviously, but it is handy at home.  

I'd like a nice one suitable for reenactment, but I don't 
have time to build one.  Does anyone know someone who makes 
nice ones?

-- Tracie