[Regia-NA] Info on halbier or halbi, Viking Normand Apple pear breuvage?

Chris Boulton list-regia-na@lig.net
Tue, 2 Sep 2003 17:59:12 +0100

> OK....    What's scrumpy?

Well.....there's the modern stuff they bottle and sell, which is sort of
technically scrumpy, but is clear, clean and safe to drink. Then there's the
nice slightly cloudy home brew stuff that tends to get you wobbly 'cos you
don't realise how strong it is. Then there's the scrumpy they make in the
back of the cowshed where the customs can't find it...one sniff'll clear
your sinuses, one swallow'll make yer teeth capsize, two pints'll dissolve
yer brain.
