[Regia-NA] Regia Combat (was Greetings)

Wulfhere se Treowryhta list-regia-na@lig.net
Tue, 14 Oct 2003 13:54:38 -0400

> --I have never been concussed.
> I have on occasion been hit=A0hard enough to dent 14 gauge steel
> I much prefer this type of=A0occasional shot vs. the Eastern SCA=20
> mentality.
> Alot of those guys recommend helmets of at LEAST 12 ga as they=20
> REGULARLY dent 12 ga or less=A0(No kidding I have had folks on the=20
> Armour Archive tell me this!)

    I have been concussed many times as well as 2 broken noses, a hyper=20=

extended knee and a separated shoulder. All on the football field and=20
the result of being 5'6" tall and 135lbs in a game meant for big=20
people. And, in one of those macho "guy thing" ways, I remember those=20
as some of the best times of my life.

   After scouting heavy list in the SCA I can make one observation. This=20=

MAY be particular to the East Kingdom. The reason people get hit so=20
hard is that they don't graciously accept the fact that they have been=20=

hit the first two times. Some of these knights get very frustrated=20
after landing a killing blow and hearing "light." The first tournament=20=

I ever observed was a poor demonstration of chivalry. A lot of flaring=20=

tempers, very little honor. Turned me off in a major way. It's a social=20=

problem in general I fear. I have heard the term Rhino Hides used. I=20
can see that some warriors have lost track of the fact that it's a=20
game. I'll stick with archery in the SCA, and leave the lists to the=20