[Regia-NA] OT- Cooking squirrels & hunting rabbits

Wulfhere se Treowryhta list-regia-na@lig.net
Thu, 9 Oct 2003 09:39:58 -0400

Oh, don't blame it on us! It's the effect of failing prosperity and a=20
disenfranchised populous. The "right to bear arms" was supposed to=20
prevent the government from being able to summarily overpower it's own=20=

people. Unless the government will allow me to bear an Apache=20
Helicopter with laser guided smart bombs, the concept is obsolete.

On Wednesday, October 8, 2003, at 04:36 PM,=20
VIKING@inthedanelaw.fsnet.co.uk wrote:

> What I was able to garner from the media about gun crime in the UK,=20
> before I left, it seems to be a horrible import from the States...like=20=

> the growing industry of litigation.=A0 :o(=A0
> Bill