[Regia-NA] Hats and headgear

Steve Etheridge list-regia-na@lig.net
Fri, 21 Nov 2003 14:27:28 +0000

>>So can a A-S man wear the Coppergate cap?
>I'm certainly not in any position to rule on that sort of question,

No, but I am :-)

>but my expectation would be "no," at least, not if the question really 
>being asked is "can an A-S man wear a coif because of the Coppergate cap?"

My ruling would be "no", as well, if I ever saw a man trying to wear one in 
a Regia context - after I stopped laughing.

What AS men wore on their heads is a matter for some debate, but I don't see 
any evidence for coif-style garments, which appear very different in 
construction - that's the cloth variety for all the combat wombats out there 
who think of coifs purely in terms of a mail garment


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