[Regia-NA] Re: films

Steve Etheridge list-regia-na@lig.net
Fri, 21 Nov 2003 14:16:04 +0000

>Halvgrimr wrote

>What we, as history enthusiasts, have to remember is that Hollywood caters 
>to the masses of Joe Schmoes not us. We are a very small portion of movie 

I once asked a costume designer why I couldn't wear my kit.  She responded 
by telling me that she knew that my stuff was right, it was just that the 
public were not familliar with it, and would prefer to see the wrong stuff 
that they wanted me to wear.  I pointed out that the public had this 
perception only because costume designers had shown it to the public and 
told them that it was right.  If they put the right stuff on extras, the 
public might become more educated.  Alas, education is not the prime goal of 
the film and TV industry - it's money.

Hopefully, the more times that Regia is seen on TV documentaries, the more 
educated the public will get.  This again is a function of money - we with 
our kit are a lot cheaper than a bunch of extras with a wardrobe department.

I guess in about twenty years time we _may_ have a film which meets our kit 
standards of ten years ago - if we are lucky!

>Just go to the movie and enjoy it for what it is, entertainment, not 

It was regarded as the duty of the artist in the middle ages to entertain 
_and_ inform.  Aah, the sweet smell of progress :-)


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