[Regia-NA] European Bow-making book

rmhowe list-regia-na@lig.net
Sat, 24 May 2003 16:08:26 -0400

A book on making bows from Germany, from the Stone age to today:

Flemming, Alrune, Wulf Hein, Jürgen Junkmanns, Boris Pantel, Holger
Achim Stegmeyer, Angelika Hörnig (Herausgeber): _Das Bogenbauer-Buch_.
The Bow-maker's Book. European bowmaking from the stone age til now. 
Europäischer Bogenbau von der Steinzeit bis heute. Unser Vorschlag, 
24 Chapters, Many pictures, 223 pages, Hörnig, 2001, ISBN: 3980587770 
Sold previously for: EUR 49,60 / My cost was EUR 29,80 plus 10 for
Or $40. Presently a Euro is about a dollar.

As I recall it includes stone age-merowingian-medieval bows' details and
techniques of using birch glue for holding things - a stone age recipe.
Entirely in German from their only bow and arrow magazine.
Pretty good actually. 

Others: This one not recommended unless you read german:
Der gefiederte Tod. by Hagen Seehase, Ralf Krekeler
Die Geschicte des Englischen Langbogens in den Kriegen des Mittelalters
A Study of the English Longbow in the Wars of the Middle Ages.
New EUR 19,80  illustrated; Unser Vorschlag; Broschiert - 246 Seiten /
246 pages - Hörnig Erscheinungsdatum: 2001, mostly text if I recall.
ISBN: 3980587762 

These two I didn't buy:

Praktisches Handbuch für Traditionelle Bogenschützen.
Practical Handbook for Traditional Bowshooting. 
by Hilary Greenland, Ekkehard Höhn 
Roughly the equivalent of our books on archery.

' Mit dem Pfeil, dem Bogen...'. Technik der steinzeitlichen Jagd.
With the Arrow, the Bow. Technique of the stoneage hunt. 
by Ulrich Stodiek, Harm Paulsen 

Moosacher Str. 51
D-80809 Muenchen

Happened to come on the email receipt from last year today,
been a while since I examined them.

Master Magnus, OL, GDH, Regia
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