[Regia-NA] Greetings friends

William R. Short list-regia-na@lig.net
Fri, 16 May 2003 13:12:26 -0400


>   My name is Matthew Marino.

>I live in central 

Welcome.  I'm in the Framingham area, and you'll probably hear (if you
haven't already) from Jim Revells, in the next town.

You're in what used to be the land grant for Hurstwic, a Regia group in
southern New England.  Hurstwic disbanded this spring, alas.

I've been doing a bunch of work at Higgins Armory Museum in Worcester.
We've put together a Viking age presentation that's on the regular schedule
for museum visitors, and are in the process of developing a second

I wish you success with your research.

Best regards,
Bill Short