[Regia-NA] Fritton Dateline

J K Siddorn list-regia-na@lig.net
Tue, 13 May 2003 16:57:44 +0100

As many of you will know by now, we have been asked by the client to change
the Dateline for our show at Fritton. This is entirely because they have at
last had a burst of interest in school visits by parties after plugging away
at it for three years. Obviously, they are keen not to let it pass by.

Following a suggestion that came up at the last Wychurst work weekend, we
have decided to compromise. We will do Vikings, but in 1066 - after all,
there were a fair number of Viking raiders in the east of England in the
late summer of that year (sic!) , so it is not unreasonable. As far as kit
is concerned, it makes very little difference to the participants, if any.

There has been some irritated comment about Dateline changes, but this is
unavoidable in this circumstance. Please tell everyone in your group
"Fritton is 1066, Saxon & Viking, not Norman and Saxon."


Kim Siddorn