[Regia-NA] Helmet contents

Yolli list-regia-na@lig.net
Fri, 27 Jun 2003 13:11:02 +0100

This is an area which whilst we may try and follow the evidence ( such
as it is ) we would in my opinion be better advised to use helmets that
had some form of helmet liner suspension inside them purely for reasons
of safety.

We've all heard the "I've got to go back to work tomorrow"; phrase, and
a liner would help ensure you get your wish. 

A helmet needs to stand off the crown of the skull and be able to spread
any loading it might receive around the occupant's skull. In addition,
however the helm is anchored, it needs to stay in place even in the most
vigorous fighting. ( I used to take mine off at an instant in days gone
by, so I know what I'm talking about....) How on earth I don't have a
head with a groove down it looking much like a *****, I don't know.

So whilst it may not be correct in this case to have a suspension liner,
I think we would be well advised to put them in. Over here, we don't get
compensation from hurting each other on the field - or has it yet to be
tested by the likes of the Ambulance Chasers....?

Anyway, I feel that it falls into the area of armour that can be worn by
the combatant but must be disguised or hidden - such as arm guards,
fencing cups, cricket boxes and their like.

Roman lids have even less distance between the helm crown and the
wearers head. A good whack on those would scramble your brains.

And a PS Nathan.

I had nowt to do with the mail at Sutton Hoo. But perhaps they do need a
finer example than they have.

Cheers, Roll.

-----Original Message-----
From: list-regia-na-admin@lig.net [mailto:list-regia-na-admin@lig.net]
On Behalf Of nathan
Sent: 27 June 2003 00:07
To: list-regia-na@lig.net
Subject: RE: [Regia-NA] Helmet

The Wencelaus helmet does not have any holes around the base.

It is mostly surrounded by a thick metal band, as illustrated ...


And i agree, no evidence for internaly fixed padding (or even suspension
webbing) afaik.  Not as familair with the vendel stuff as i would like
be, anyone care to comment from that front.

