[Regia-NA] Encampment supplies

yolli yolli@lineone.net
Thu, 9 May 2002 11:53:28 +0100

Here I go again - not trying to sound like a complete bitch honest.

I can't recall if I commented about the pottery - but just in case I

The pot shapes etc are good. What they ( the potters ) have done is to tidy
up and improve. The pots should be more splattered with glaze. If glazed at
all, it shouild be yellowy green and almost spilled onto the surface around
the upper section and the rim. This could then be used on the inside as
well. Alternatively, just a clear glaze on the inside alone and let the
outside become sooted as it's used in the fire. This effect can be faked up
as well as the burning marks are fairly random.

The marks from throwing the pots were often still present, and the applied
decoration needs to appear a little more hasty - but not heavily done.

Picky? Absolutely. When ordering, they could easily tinker with the designs
without it being much trouble.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Douglas Sunlin" <dsunlin@hotmail.com>
To: <list-regia-na@lig.net>
Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2002 12:00 AM
Subject: [Regia-NA] Encampment supplies

> Awhile back, I sent away for some linen thread from a US re-enactment
> supplier. It was all 18th century stuff, but it all seemed so complete and
> "one-stop-shopping" that I was inspired to come up with a web page that we
> of Geforthan Stradi can all use.
> Seems that reproductions for our period are becoming more and more
> available. Enjoy:
> http://www.geocities.com/baldurstrand/encampment.html