[Regia-NA] getelds

Ian Uzzell list-regia-na@lig.net
Wed, 5 Jun 2002 17:12:36 +0100

----- Original Message -----
From: "yolli" <yolli@lineone.net>

> Ask Ian about Largs and his Viking Kite...........
> Roll.

That gust of wind was unheralded.  Although it was raining it was not windy
so we were not ready for the recorded 55mph gust that suddenly hit us.  Both
my small Viking tents became airborne and wer lifted over 10ft in the air to
land on my worksheter which promptly snapped and collapsed.  The ash poles
and boards of the Viking tents were undamaged, and one tent was ripped.  All
repaired for the next show two weeks later which was forecast for gales - so
we were prepared.  The workshelter poles were sycamore and snapped easily.
They are now ash!!!
