[Regia-NA] Worthwhile site

Frojel Gotlandica list-regia-na@lig.net
Thu, 11 Jul 2002 22:16:02 +1000

Yes mate but this damn computer is worse, the page only contains 2 % of =
what is on this box. No wonder I 
get lost at times looking for stuff. 253,876,000 + files on Vikings, the=
n some Medieval and Roman. :-(
 Happens when you become a compulsive collector of information. :-)

 J. K. Siddorn wrote:

>One could spend a lot of time wandering around these galleries.
>Have look at
>Kim Siddorn.
>The early bird may get the worm -
>but the second mouse gets the cheese! 

Fr=94jel Gotlandica Viking Re-enactment Society.