[Regia-NA] Summer Chronicle

J. K. Siddorn list-regia-na@lig.net
Thu, 11 Jul 2002 11:35:50 +0100

Chronicle is now at the printers and should land on your doormats towards
the end of next week.In it are all the details for Kirkcudbright, Largs and

Enclosed this time you will find the new Health and Safety regulations.
Paddy being a co-opted officer of the High Witan, these regs become active
immediately. Please see how they go with a view to any possible changes at
the November High Witan if required. Don't forget to talk to Paddy FIRST
about any proposed changes, as our rules require that the officer MUST be
consulted before bringing an issue to the table.

I had hoped to get the new National Training Regs out as well, but it looks
unlikely now.

Finally, alone of all the editors I've ever talked to, I have up to now
always had submissions left over after compiling an edition. However, there
is little left in the pot to start the next stew and with 46 pages to fill,
I would really welcome submissions of text, photographs and art work within
the next six weeks or so so I can begin to plan number 67, the autumn
edition. After all, you only get what I get!


Kim Siddorn.

The early bird may get the worm -
but the second mouse gets the cheese!