[Regia-NA] ships and archeology

jim green aethelwulf2000 at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 20 19:08:26 EDT 2006

I do understand the issues in recovering something. My B.A. is in Anthropolgy and if things had worked out I'd have gone on to get my advanced degrees in Archeology. Money is always a big factor and often enough it depends on how 'sexy' the site is. Finding the Mary Rose or the Vasa is more important to the funders than an unnamed Viking age vessel of indeterminate size and condition. There is also the example of the destruction done by so many 19th century Archaeologists. Massive amounts of information were lost in their rush after what they saw as important. Even when they tried to do it correctly by our standards what they could physically preserve pales by today abilities. So there is indeed a sizeable shool of thought proposing that tommows advances will justify not digging today. Of course they seem to forget that in decades from now we might routinely be able to search areas that today are impossible. Think Titanic and 30 years ago , couldn't be safely done. Oh well
 we just have to wait for the information , sniff sniff.        Jim

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