[Regia-NA] Wake UP!

Jack Garrett garrett at pacbell.net
Wed Jan 25 15:09:02 EST 2006

Fun to think about a protest march on a distributor's corporate offices, but I can't envision any place or time that a properly dressed group of reenactors could convince a US distributor to pick up Beowulf and Grendel.  Theirs is a business almost completely based on demographics, and people-who-wear-byrnies don't add to up to enough tickets.
  I suspect the letter campaign is the better approach, if a lot less fun.  (I sent one a few weeks ago.)  At least there's less chance some of us might end up in the pokey for waving steel things around.
  I sure would like the opportunity of setting up a display outside a theater showing it, but even that probably wouldn't work too well in the days of multiplexes.  People lining up to see King Kong or Big Momma 2 might not get the connection.  But ... they might be intrigued enough to ask.
  By the way, I saw Tristan and Isolde yesterday.  I tried to envision one of our groups encamped outside the theater and it just didn't work.  Too bad.  As for the movie, not a bad recreation of post-Roman, pre-Viking Britain.  In my opinion though, the fall of Roman influence seemed a little too thorough and hurried.  Nice touches of Roman ruins throughout that probably wouldn't have all been abandoned and left to fall into disrepair so quickly. But that's a manner of degree only.  It was welcome to finally see it represented so well in a movie.  Still wondering how they managed to maim each other so effectively with such dull blades, though.

Douglas Sunlin <dsunlin at hotmail.com> wrote:
  The movie Beowulf and Grendel has been released but it has yet to find a US 

Peple are trying to help make this happen, but they still need help:

Would it help if a large contingent of reenactors showed up at a specific 
place and time, and would that publicity also help the reenactor group as 

On manræden,
Osweald of Baldurstrand
<><><> <><><> <><><>

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