[Regia-NA] Archaeological 'facts' [was buckets]

Ben Pyles ishieben at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 28 14:56:01 EDT 2005

There is a solid plank bottomed basket with holes drilled around the perimeter for uprights, through which material (canes/ wythies/vines) was woven- similar to the "Viking Backpack" in consruction of sides-
The bottoms are said to be a relatively represented item...
Good for toting dry goods- 
It is in the York woodwork fascule-I can send you scans if you don't have one handy :-)
Sacks are another option for drygoods...
Anyone making large wineskins?

Ben/ RoR

Jenn <aelfgifu at citlink.net> wrote:
I came in late on this discussion & was wondering if there were buckets which could be made EASILY by those of us all thumbs, using items found in local wetland.  
Are our willows the same as your withies?  & what sort of bottom &/or foundation is being used?  
I would love to have something for little or no cost...  & I know I will not have the iron rings & such.  I'm sure, though, that I can get some willows & cat tails.  Not sure if they are the right materials.  
Mostly, this is curiosity.  Perhaps, but only perhaps, it might turn into something useful. <G>  Jennifer
Now that being said- I find the withy/ rope bound buckets more interesting- It is one small area we can step away from the king/ rich man burial finds as the basis for our portrayal- since we are so heavily skewed that way for much of our stuff already, I actively seek the commoner's items that have been found. Cuz I am not supposed to look like a king/ earl/ duke... and I think the average person of the age certainly didn't put thier wealth into bucket bindings, but would rather make do with organic materials for that and put the precious iron into shovel or hammer heads. 

Jennifer Hill	ÆlfgifuCynn ReadheortToday may be all sunshine, but God is more surely in the Night
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