[Regia-NA] Archaeological 'facts' [was buckets]

Ben Pyles ishieben at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 28 11:46:47 EDT 2005

Going back to the original thread with iron banding of buckets... it is the "bookending" of the period with examples that convinces me that they were there- I don't buy the "lost and re-descovered tech approach"- at least not in this case. (Perhaps Roman tech gets re- discovered , like the highly complicated watermills, but not in a line of artistic tradition that was done by local craftsman...) 
Now that being said- I find the withy/ rope bound buckets more interesting- It is one small area we can step away from the king/ rich man burial finds as the basis for our portrayal- since we are so heavily skewed that way for much of our stuff already, I actively seek the commoner's items that have been found. Cuz I am not supposed to look like a king/ earl/ duke... and I think the average person of the age certainly didn't put thier wealth into bucket bindings, but would rather make do with organic materials for that and put the precious iron into shovel or hammer heads. 
Why I was so interested in the Hen Domen find- twas a BIG bucket (~70 L volume) found that used solely oak for banding... so for whatever purpose that was put to, iron wasn't required- 
so I bet it wasn't commonly done...
Ben/ RoR

Frojel Gotlandica <frojel at dcsi.net.au> wrote:

That provides a big stumbling block for re-enactors, do you accept "possible" as being correct, do you 
carry a migration period sword because one was found in a later grave? 

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