[Regia-NA] Hedeby shoes - inside seams

Ben Pyles ishieben at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 30 12:46:52 EDT 2005

Or the riders used thong closure types of shoes... 
or they had horses short enough to have the rider's feet below the beasties...
or they cussed about them darn toggles ;-)

ingolf <ingolf at mountedknights.com> wrote:
knowing that we only have what survived and assuming that folks rode horses it seems likely that there would have been outside fasteners as well 
I know this does not authenticate .... just my common sense approach as a horseman.  We have evolved clothing to accomodate the task it is designed for it reduces repair and replacement.... 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Ben Pyles 
To: list-Regia-NA 
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 11:05 AM
Subject: RE: [Regia-NA] Hedeby shoes - inside seams

Sure... after Wulfric found the "all on inside" notation in the York fascule, we have been trying to track down examples of the contrary... 
You see- he made an outside fastening set so he wants to be "correct" and the York citation has him vexed...

"Schuster, Robert L." <SchusterRL at umsystem.edu> wrote:
Any notation for toggle/ placement? 
I have read in other places both the seam and toggle went on the inside...

--I cant speak for the Hedeby shoes but I have spoken to archeologists in the field that say that toggles have been found on both sides. They seem to indicate there was no hard and fast rule on the placement. His statements didn't refer to seams though.
If you'd like I can put you into contact with him on the matter.
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