[Regia-NA] Fw: On the move

Linda Rice vmaa2 at cox.net
Sat May 29 08:35:02 EDT 2004

<sigh> Just when I think the jealousy factor can't possibly get any higher.... ;o>

Congratulations, and good luck with the move. Hope all goes smoothly for you. 



-----Original Message-----
From: list-regia-na-bounces at lig.net [mailto:list-regia-na-bounces at lig.net] On Behalf Of Hrolf
subject: [Regia-NA] Fw: On the move

Vara Hrolf and kids are on the move. we have just bought a house on Hoy in Orkney, and are planning
to move in the summer... address to follow when we have it, but knowing Orkney... Housenea,
Longhope, Hoy, Orkney will find us:)
We'll post more news, like dates, when we get them.
John Donovan is taking over as acting Leader of the wirral
 contact is best kept at our phone number, which will be moving to Sonnie and Linda.
Confused? You will be...
We are not leaving Regia! We're just a little further away, is all...
regards to all,
Vara & Hrolf (looking forward to founding the Orkney felag!)

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