[Regia-NA] Re: caring for your blades - Suggestion

Cory Nielsen list-regia-na@lig.net
Tue, 06 Jan 2004 11:40:22 -0700

John Shulver writes: 

"There's a product designed for museum objects called Renaisance Wax 
developed by the British Museum).  <snip>  It's available from a UK company 
called Lakeland Limited, they mainly do kitchen stuff but they are the only 
outlet we are aware of." 

I bought some Ren Wax a few years ago, and it seems to work really well. I 
got mine from Museum Replicas, and they still sell it (via their online 
catalog, at least). A quick search on Google brought up several other 
carriers, including woodworking and knife/gun suppliers. 
