[Regia-NA] Regia Reference Books?

Linda Rice vmaa2 at cox.net
Tue Aug 17 08:52:51 EDT 2004

Hi Nick and all~

This is a good idea! In fact, for those who are already on the Yahoo lists NADARA and Norsefolk_2,
there is such a thing already started in both places. Right now they don't amount to a whole lot,
since it was a project I got started on and then had to table due to real life interrupting my fun
life.  But, I'd love it if other folks would like to go and add their favorite books to the list,
(either place is fine).  Any titles that can be related to Viking-era Norse, including crafts that
are specifically tied to Viking era crafts, are welcome to be added. For example, I listed
Collingwoods "Techniques of Tablet Weaving", just because it's a good, comprehensive book to learn
TW from.  

I see this as a great resource for new people who don't know where to begin regarding books. Books
are expensive, and anything we can do to help people make wise purchases is a good thing, IMO.
I've never envisioned this as ever being a complete or definitive listing, only a primer for the
best books to get started with. Those who want to do deep specific research on a topic will
probably go far beyond this project.

So far I haven't thought about a "Wish List" of OOP books, although one of the info columns does
ask for availability. I left out price because that can vary wildly, as Magnus' post attested. 

If I get time I'll try to add more titles this week. We're eyeball deep in alligators around here
right now, but I'll see what I can do.  I don't come anywhere near to Magnus' volume of books, but
I will admit to having a fair few good books around here. ;o)


-----Original Message-----
From: list-regia-na-bounces at lig.net [mailto:list-regia-na-bounces at lig.net] On Behalf Of
NickBibby at aol.com
Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2004 6:30 AM
To: list-regia-na at lig.net
Cc: regia at yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Regia-NA] Regia Reference Books?

This is just a suggestion and may be a] unfeasible or b] too much work, but..............
Wouldn't it be a great idea for Regia to have an online bibliography of all those great reference
books that we all have, or would like to have? Just a list of titles and authors + a brief synopsis
of content.
Then at least those wanting to research a subject know which books to start looking for in
libraries or bookshops, which is half the battle. People are always posting info on books they've
found or would like, so wouldn't it make sense to organise a regularly updated list as part of the
members section?
What do the great and good think? You could put out a general call for recommended titles from your
membership, I expect it would turn up quite a few titles that are new to most. I know it would
involve a lot of work, but it could only help promote a more widespread interest and understanding
of our period by the "general" membership and would be an enormous boost to newer members [such as

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