[Regia-NA] Padded jerkins/gambesons

NickBibby at aol.com NickBibby at aol.com
Mon Aug 16 20:21:07 EDT 2004

OK, I've now got my 5ft square unlined plain tabby single layer wool cloak  
pinned correctly [Phew, thanks for saving lots of wasted effort there  folks] 
So next question.
Padded jerkin to go under chainmail or as stand alone leather armour -  So 
leather faced, obviously, but........
What pattern? [10thC]
How heavily padded?
Best padding material?
Do you pad the underarms and walk around like the Michelin Man or leave  them 
unpadded and die horribly from a thrust to the armpit just as you're about  
to deliver "The Great Stroke"?
Best method of attaching/stuffing/stitching padding?
The only evidence I've found was the 9thC Loch Glashan Jerkin, which now  
appears to actually be a book satchel, so no help there. What does evidence  and 
practical experience suggest?
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