[Regia-NA] viking lamellar discussion on Arador.com

Dave dave_womble at verizon.net
Sat Aug 14 22:16:20 EDT 2004

hey all,

I'm pretty new to the list, but I have an intense passion for all things viking and thought I'd share this.

Someone posted an article on Armourarchive.org regarding the Birka lamellar fragments, and then another fellow by the name of Dan Howard posted it on Arador.com, a site I help moderate. The two of us got into a rather animated discussion, and I just thought I'd share it.  I'm no expert, just an enthusiast, but I still feel lamellar armour is not out of the question, despite the lack of hard evidence either in the form of actual extant pieces or literary/artistic evidence.

Let me know what you all think. I've been wracking my brain trying to find other possible sources, but i have to admit I cant find any, *yet*, but I havnt begun to read any of the Sagas yet, I'm still working on the dozen or so reference books I have.


Thanks, and enjoy.

Dave Womble
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