[Regia-NA] Sumptuary Laws

Douglas Sunlin list-regia-na@lig.net
Sat, 27 Sep 2003 08:38:15 -0700

Could be that European nettles don't sting (or as much). You know we call 
"our" nettles "stinging nettles". Hate 'em, bring me poison oak instead.

On manræden,
Osweald of Baldurstrand

>From: "Linda Rice" <vmaa2@cox.net>
>Reply-To: list-regia-na@lig.net
>To: <list-regia-na@lig.net>
>Subject: RE: [Regia-NA] Sumptuary Laws
>Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2003 15:26:37 -0400
>IIRC, there are two kinds of nettles- black nettle and white nettle. One of 
>them is taller and one
>of them doesn't sting. Sorry, I'm having a blond moment, and can't remember 
>which witch is which.
>I'm also in the middle of sewing up a mucking hard fantasy dress for a 
>friend's costume gig, so I
>can't look it up right now. ;o/  Gawd, I *hate* rayon challis! Gimme that 
>old time linen and wool
>any day!
>-----Original Message-----
>On Behalf Of J Hill
>Speaking of nettle fiber... I would love to make some nettle cloth, but
>don't have access to nettle.  Isn't it true that they don't sting after a
>frost?  Or is that just a myth?
>Eventually, the hemp industry will return to the States, I hope.  I really
>can't see why hemp, of the non-hallucigenic kind, should have been
>demonized.  Ah, well.  Cotton was king.
>Anyway, if anyone has a suggestion for a source for nettle yarn or thread,
>I'm interested.
>list-regia-na mailing list

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