[Regia-NA] Embroidery? (pics)

Linda Rice list-regia-na@lig.net
Tue, 23 Sep 2003 15:29:54 -0400

Wil, your work is lovely! Very nice, even stitches. ;o> However, can you tell us more about how you
made the stitch? I'm not sure if that's really herringbone, at least I've never seen true
herringbone in 2 colors!  It doesn't really matter, because what you did is perfectly acceptable
anyway. Can't wait to see it in person next month. *(You are still coming to Maryland, right?)



-----Original Message-----
From: list-regia-na-admin@lig.net [mailto:list-regia-na-admin@lig.net] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 6:21 AM
 Subject: [Regia-NA] Embroidery? (pics)

My first real attempt at embroidery (sorry pics are blurry)


Is a simple single-strand herringbonelike this, used to trim a garment, 
appropriate for the 11th century? Herringbone appears on so many wood, bone, 
antler and metal items, I thought it was a pretty safe bet. Any tips for making 
my next piece more authentic?
