[Regia-NA] The shield wall

Douglas Sunlin list-regia-na@lig.net
Thu, 11 Sep 2003 08:51:55 -0700

We were wondering about this, when four of us showed up at the Fort 
Macarthur event in Los Angeles last summer. The morning's first event was a 
parade before the MOOPs, each group stopping to introduce themselves. Most, 
nay, all of the other groups comported themselves with great military 
precision, including shouted orders in various languages (yes, Latin and 
Gaelic). We sort of straggled. Now I would hate to go for the lowest common 
denomiator simply becuase there is no evidence either way. If Harold got 
thousands of men to the top of Senlac Hill, I would hope that he had an 
efficient way of wrangling his troops.

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