[Regia-NA] Re: "Real Viking" Event (crmayhew@hotmail.com)

Tracie Brown list-regia-na@lig.net
Fri, 5 Sep 2003 12:19:33 -0400

>From: crmayhew@hotmail.com

>We are considering going, though the fact that it starts on 
Hallowe'en is an
>obstacle we might not be able to overcome.  My husband 
suggested we could
>leave site in garb and go trick-or-treating for a 
while...  :)

   Maybe the people running the event could recommend some 
neighborhoods to trick-or-treat in.  Seriously. So many 
people take their kids to other ("better") neighborhoods 
these days that no one will notice that some kids have come 
from really far away.   
   I can see it now ... the kids in their costumes --
superhero/ballerina/monster -- escorted by a bunch of scary 
looking Vikings.  "Treats now. Or else." 

-- Tracie