[Regia-NA] viking bows

rmhowe list-regia-na@lig.net
Fri, 31 Oct 2003 03:01:43 -0500

Wulfhere se Treowryhta wrote:
> I'll use one reply to summarize my side of this tired debate.
>> And its certainly not an issue to stomp off, take your toys and going 
>> to play elsewhere over.
> Well now that's not true. The National Missiles Officer of Regia 
> Anglorum has failed my "toys". I have no choice but to bugger off with 
> them. I accept that this is how it works and respect his authority. It 
> still saddens me so.
>    I'm going as far as I can with my limited means and modest  
> education. My ilk stems from the large quantity of money spent on, in 
> retrospect, bad advice and bows that cannot be used at a regia event. 
> Also seems like the Barony of Bergental in the East Kingdom of the SCA 
> has some odd quirks that have mislead me as well. In the Baronial 
> Tourney I was the only long bow shooter in an event that included sun 
> glasses and L.L. Bean hunting seats. (Carolyn: The one rule that matters 
> is that the Marshall in Charge has final say and if I ignore it and step 
> to the line I will be banned). The reason I didn't settle on the SCA is 
> that some members don't have any more regard for authenticity than your 
> average Ren Faire.

 From what I've seen of the SCA Marshallate the rules change every
time the officers do. Keep faith and persevere. The stuff you have
in the SCA will come back in fashion. They say the 70's culture
is popular now. :)

> History is nothing but an authenticity debate. The search for the truth 
> is nothing if not elusive. I voiced my opinion with no ill intent. I 
> didn't mean to become the polluter of pure men's souls. I assume that 
> all the Regia standards were the result of such debates? Beer soaked and 
> load at times? Are they over?
> I have a philosophy that says, "I may disagree with very intelligent 
> people". Some feel that they will only disagree with idiots because all 
> smart people always agree with them. I disagree with this one aspect of 
> Regia regarding backing on bows. I feel it is a great organization of 
> great people with a wealth of knowledge that I am glad to have access 
> to. I still disagree on this point if only because I have to get another 
> bow if I want to participate. What if I ever choose to debate a serious 
> issue like women in combat?!?!?
>   If Regia does not appreciate a good debate I will excuse myself with 
> no hard feelings. It is a hobby after all and there's lots of great 
> people in the SCA I can share my interest with. I'm not above being some 
> odd man who hacks at a post with a dull blade in his back yard while 
> wearing chain maille (probably in-authentic).  If I ever feel the need 
> to butt heads with an intellectual superior I can call my sister or any 
> SCA Laurel.

Speaking as an SCA Laurel, butting heads with them is like
butting in the ends of beer casks (an early American custom,
I am assured my earliest known ancestor 1680 in Maine was
arrested for running a pub).  Arguing with a gaggle of Laurels
goes no where normally.  In the end after listening to five
Ducal Ranks insult the Laurels and Pelicans as incapable of
polling correctly as whole orders I decided the Ducal Ranks
had a lot of damned nuisances themselves (fairly ignorant too)
and that unfortunately my Laurel Order mates hadn't the
backbone to stand up for themselves. But I did. All by myself.
In the end I decided I wouldn't be a Kingdom Laurel anymore.
It began to feel soiled and unsuitable for me.
A Laurel is a Society-wide Peerage in any event. If the local
chapter is unsuitable in the backbone and ethics areas
forget that, and continue to contribute on a larger stage.

I know a few Laurels I would sooner substitute a Prison inmate in
my home for when considering their honesty and behavior.
Not in this door again.  I spent three years working in]
maximum security while in college. 80% of the time was in
the mental wards - mostly because I took too many weapons
and druga away (my last two years in the regular cellblocks
and dormitories netted 120+ shanks - figure that was the
other 20% of my time.

If I want a bit of self abuse I provoke rather provocative
SCA Dukes for amusement. Call it Death Wish V.

>   Like Herbie the Elf and Rudolf the Red Nodes Reindeer, "even among 
> misfits, I'm a misfit."

If you feel the urge to run with some alphas join up
with the Great Dark Horde. http://www.greatdarkhorde.net
but be aware of the teeth. Unlike the SCA they have a
year minimum watch on potential members. I've kept two
thieving lice out myself with documentation. The SCA does
not do that, even in the Peerages. It's a good practice.

I wouldn't give up on Regia - it may well turn into
something far better than the too socially structured SCA
in this country, and already alternatives are cropping up -
in Adrian Empire, Medieval Markland Militia, Vestrus Vikings,
OstVikings, Longship Company, etc..

Master Magnus