[Regia-NA] Enough of this domestic talk

Chris Kerr list-regia-na@lig.net
Thu, 2 Oct 2003 22:26:59 -0400

As it stands right now, there are no official Military Training Officers in
NA.  At Pennsic this year George Johnson, Mark Patchet and I discussed this
and decided that for the time being, the three of us would serve as MTO's
for North America.  This may sound a little arrogant of us, but as Mark and
I were over in the UK in the spring fighting and George and I had some time
swinging with Rol this summer and we have all been told that we are pretty
much on the ball.  We have no immediate plan to start issuing training
stamps or any such thing, but if you are over here, I would suggest starting
with one of the three of us.  Now, unless you live in Ohio (George), or
southern Ontario (Mark and I)  this may be a bit of a problem for you.
Unfortunately, thats the way it is for now.

As far as helmets go, Mark and I have made a number of them recently.  You
can check a few of them out @ www.regia.ca/photos.htm.  There are also some
pics of a few of our other projects there.

Chris Kerr