[Regia-NA] Hats and headgear

Douglas Sunlin list-regia-na@lig.net
Fri, 21 Nov 2003 09:24:05 -0800

The Coppergate cap is, I believe, more like the bashlyks worn by the ancient 
Scythians, than exactly a coif from middle ages. Anyone got a picture?

If you come out to California (or Arizona or Nevada for that matter), you'll 
quickly seek something - anything - to wear over your head. When sunburn, 
heatstroke and sunstroke are dangers, would not some kind of headwear become 
a safety issue?

Looking out for the troops,
Osweald of Baldurstrand

>My ruling would be "no", as well, if I ever saw a man trying to wear one in 
>a Regia context - after I stopped laughing.

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