[Regia-NA] Raised helmets & conspiracy theories

Dmitriy V. Ryaboy list-regia-na@lig.net
Tue, 18 Nov 2003 21:03:33 +0000

The issue with mis-identification of the Strong-Kiev helmets was not the 
Kiev historians and archaeologists; in fact, as far as I understand it, no 
Russian or Ukranian historian ever claimed the helmet from Kiev to be 
medieval.  Certainly, I haven't seen it in any of the Russian-language 
sources I've used.

I was told it used to be on display in a Kiev museum without a label, 
because they didn't know what to do with it :).   Point being, the 
Strong/Kiev debacle is no reason to distrust information coming out of 
Ukraine.  There are other reasons (salt is a great seasoning, in my 
experience ;), but that's not one of them.

The Kiev helmet with the nasal you are speaking of seems legit to me.  
Wouldn't hazard a guess at the
age without knowing the circumstances of the find (though I am sure I can 
come up with what various archaeologists like Kirpichnikov have claimed, if 
you guys are interested).

Speaking of helmets -- check out the photos here: 
http://tgorod.ru/index.php?contentid=252  (explanations of what you are 
looking at are here: 
http://www.armourarchive.org/ubb/Forum4/HTML/003016.html )


>The helm i am talking about is not of the Strong type (the one in "the 
>museum of
>the city of kiev") but a different form (with eyebrows and nasal).  The 
>suggests it may be made from 4 overlapping plates but i can't see them in 
>piccy (mildly confusing as it's only a sentence worth in the text).  The 
>helm is from the "national museum of the history of the ukrane, kiev".
>piccy at www.nathanspage.co.uk/piccys/kievhelm.jpg
>What i was trying to say was that given the issues highlighted by the 
>helm we might be best taking the other helm from Kiev with a pinch of salt.

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