[Regia-NA] New Armor making video

rmhowe list-regia-na@lig.net
Mon, 17 Nov 2003 19:50:48 -0500

I've been watching an excellent armoring video put out by
Valentine Armories I just got in from http://www.renstore.com/ .
Nearly two hours of simply watching him make various parts.
Little talk at all. $28. I can see him getting a ton of
armor orders off the video besides the profit from it.
Well worth the investment. This is one of the biggest
armoring firms by the way. Nothing power tool in it at
all for the film, and it's nearly the quietest shop I've
seen or been in.

A great introductory film for new members or new armorers.
Or maybe just for your group {And I've bought a bunch of
SCA films over the years as well as some weapons reenactment
films. One of the very worst was from Renstore.com too.)
Valentine isn't making early armor in this, he's making
sixteenth century, complete with the leather parts that
line it and the helmet.

It's called:  Crafting Medieval Armour
Product No:  VAL-1001     Price:    $27.95
USA and Canada toll-free number 1-800-730-5464 or
FAX (800)-410-KING.
Customers calling from outside of the USA or Canada call
(520)-546-8223 or FAX (520)-546-8220.
Chivalry Sports Inc.

I am neither a previous customer of Valentine nor his shill
but for the price I would say he gives people excellent value.

If you prefer to buy direct:
Valentine Armouries 4120 -
8 Street SE , Calgary, Alberta T2G 3A7 Canada
[Order] Phone: 1-800-268-0064
Email: info(at)varmouries.com. ...

He's also written the customer friendly priced book:
The Art of Making Armour
In this book The Art of Making Armour, author Rob
Valentine revives the legacy of honor and value in
handcrafted workmanship inspired by ancient artisans.

Magnus, OL