[Regia-NA] Flint Video

Douglas Sunlin list-regia-na@lig.net
Wed, 28 May 2003 08:44:25 -0700

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<P>Just got my Jas Townsend catalog. For those not in the know, they sell supplies for American 18th-century re-enactors:</P>
<P><A href="http://www.jastown.com/">http://www.jastown.com/</A></P>
<P>I spied (among other things) an instructional video on how to make fire with flint and steel. $10 bucks buys 15 minutes. Also, tinder fungus - in the print catalog but not on-line (???) item TF-45 for $7.</P>
<P><A href="http://www.jastown.com/fire/fire.htm">http://www.jastown.com/fire/fire.htm</A></P>
<P>On the same topic I learned that the flint I've been trying to work with was heat-treated so it will be easier to flake into arrowheads. :(</P></DIV></div><br clear=all><hr>Add photos to your messages with  <a href="http://g.msn.com/8HMOENUS/2749??PS=">MSN 8. </a> Get 2 months FREE*.</html>