[Regia-NA] Ogres and Invitations

Lori Rael Northon list-regia-na@lig.net
Sat, 17 May 2003 13:14:59 -0700

Hi, Vara!

I know none of you are ogres.  Well . . . maybe there are one or two of you
hiding . . . no, I don't think so!  You're all actually pretty great folks.
Some of us just got off on the wrong foot.  Not to worry.  Thank you so much
for the kind invitation.  It is really very sweet of you.  I would LOVE to
take you up on it, but I will probably never make it over to the UK again,
as much as I would like to.  My husband isn't too interested in making the
trip, and I'm just not the type to pick up and go that far by myself
anymore.  That was something I did years ago when I was fresh out of high
school.  I spent the summer of  '71 traveling throughout Europe, but much to
my dismay, I only managed about a 13 hour stay at Heathrow.  And about 8
hours of that was spent sleeping on the floor near the departure gate once I
checked my luggage through to Frankfurt.  The rest was spent going through
Customs, riding on a bus from Stanstead to Heathrow, then traveling from one
terminal to the next trying to find my departure gate.  If you're ever in
the Seattle area, please let me know.  I can't promise to get you to any
Regia events since they are few and far between on this side of the water,
but we can certainly show you around the Puget Sound.  And who knows, we
might even be able to get you to one of the local SCA events!  8^)

Take Care!

> Message: 7
> From: "Hrolf Douglasson" <Hrolf@btinternet.com>
> To: <list-regia-na@lig.net>
> Subject: Re: [Regia-NA] Re:new person
> Date: Sat, 17 May 2003 09:24:40 +0100
> Reply-To: list-regia-na@lig.net
> Lori you would NEVER be unwelcome at any UK event
> If you ever get the chance to come...let us know
> Personally- I could pick you up easily from Manchester International
> Airport, feed and water you and house you.
> If we get to site I even have a spare tent.
> and there are others who can do the same for the southern/northern
> regards
> vara..
> We were trying to explain our ethos of the more authentic the better, and
> blue was sooo expensive very few would have been able to afford it for
> clothing let alone tents, Get a bit 'later' in history and they appear,
> not in Regias period.
> However I am trying to find the quote I came across the other day about
> of the Kings gifting a purple tent with gilt decoration..now I've lost the
> quote...however it would have to be very richly furnished as well.Do you
> fancy purple:)
> I do hope we meet one day so you can see I'm not that much of an ogre.
> v