[Regia-NA] Fw: Nydam Film

TGS list-regia-na@lig.net
Tue, 25 Mar 2003 23:33:19 -0500

Back when I did a few episodes of a TV documentary called Civil War Journal 
(American CW), the director would sketch out the scene for us, telling us 
the sort of look he wanted.  Then we would tell him what a pile of pants it 
was, and then tell him what we were actually going to do.

After protesting a few times, he started to realize that we knew what we 
were talking about and then he noticed that our ideas (drawn primarily from 
diaries and memoirs) looked better than his fantasy.

Those were fun days, we could do it 'right' and still get paid for 
it.  Well, it was fun except for the  day we were supposed to be filming 
activities that happened on a hot summer day, but it was actually December 
and there was a -17F wind chill.
