[Regia-NA] "what's an Authenticity Officer look like"?

TGS list-regia-na@lig.net
Wed, 19 Mar 2003 08:37:24 -0500

I would also suggest an AO needs to have access to a good library.  They 
should know how to do a number of different sorts of trades (although 
'knowing how' and 'being able to do' aren't necessarily the same 
thing).  It would be nice if they have actually attempted these various 
trades at least once.

They should probably have some sort of ability to sketch, to facilitate 
expressing themselves.  Being able to write and do proper research is good too.

I also think someone who knows where the skeletons are in the various 
museums (or knows who does know) would be a plus too.  As Kim said, an 
understanding of what was apparently the norm, rather than just what goes 
into the picture books would be useful as well.

Finally, as has also been said, they need to have tact, and be able to 
address issues without making them personal criticisms.

Take Care,