[Regia-NA] Getting Sparks or Not

Lori Rael Northon list-regia-na@lig.net
Tue, 11 Mar 2003 13:17:36 -0800

Hi, All!

Thanks to everyone for all the useful and helpful information about fires
from sparks.  I'm still at the trying to get sparks stage, so I'm not
worried about the fire part - yet.  8^)

Now I have another question concerning Fire and Skills - this is directed to
Kim or other that know the answer.  Since you cannot get a spark from flint
to start a fire, does this mean you do not have your Membership Document for
Fire Making Skills signed off?  OR, is it signed off because you have the
knowledge and can explain in detail to others how its suppose to be done?  I
really want to know in relation to how we get our various Skills signed off.
Exactly what is the level of ability and knowledge that is expected from an
individual in order to have a Skill signed off?  At this point I'm not so
interested in who signs off the Skill, but when it is signed off, what
conditions were met.

Side note, since I am trained to weld and also have some rudimentary
Blacksmithing abilities, I should be able to make my own fire-steel - I
hope - with my luck, it won't work.  I just didn't want to pay the silly
price they were asking for a 25 cent piece of steel and 2 minutes worth of
