[Regia-NA] One More Try

Lori Rael Northon list-regia-na@lig.net
Sun, 9 Mar 2003 23:55:37 -0800

To One and All,

I most sincerely apologize to each and every person that I have offended by
my requests for documentation, but I will not apologize for the research
I've done nor for the conclusions I've drawn from that research nor for
disagreeing with others' conclusions when they will not provide me with
documentation to support their conclusions, theories or opinions.  I take
exception to anyone that treats me with disdain and expects me to simply
shut up and go away or questions why I even exist on "their" list because
I'm asking questions they'd rather ignore, don't like or don't have answers
for.  When asking legitimate questions of the UK list I truly expected to
receive honest answers, aside from a few well intended individuals whose
efforts I sincerely appreciate, I was treated to a host of snipes, jabs, and
ridiculous reasons for why I could or couldn't do or use things from many of
the members of the list.  I'm truly sorry if anyone has taken my questions
and repeated requests for documentation as anything other than what I
intended, a request for knowledge.  I'm especially sorry if anyone has
interpreted my emails as personal jabs; that was definitely never my
intention. I am very sorry that I have made any of the members of either UK
or NA Regia so angry by legitimately asking for documentation that you felt
you needed to defend yourself or that you now feel you cannot continue to
provide assistance to either me or others like me.  However, I will continue
to question information that does not make sense to me or does not coincide
with what I already know.  Isn't that how we learn?  By asking questions and
entering into debate?  I accept nothing on blind faith, I hold no ones' word
as gospel, and as far as I'm concerned one's reputation does not substitute
for documentation.  And for the record, if anyone has been insulted, it has
been me.  If anyone is still owed an apology, it is me.  All of the above is
my own opinion.  If anyone disagrees with anything I've said now or in a
past email, that certainly is your right and I most sincerely respect your
right to do so.  Ask me if I care anymore - not on your life.
